News & Blog

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Utilizing The Outdoors To Improve Your Mental Health

Dr. Ben Kligler from the Veterans Administration will be returning to discuss some techniques that were once considered outside normal procedures becoming more mainstream to treat pain. Dr. Kligler will also be talking about how mental health and physical health are...

Examining Latest Trends In The Freight Market

This time out on a Driving Your Dollars edition of the podcast, Colton Lawrence, the Trucker CFO, will discuss the recent trends within the freight market and exploring freight rates as part of business planning for trucking operations.

Keys To Stroke Awareness With Dr. Jason Gleason

Dr. Jason Gleason will join us for an extended discussion that includes the work of nurse practitioners and stroke prevention. Dr. Gleason is a retired Lt. Col. who served in the U.S. Air Force. He is also national speaker and consultant within his areas of expertise.

Planning: What Do We Need To Do To Reach Our Goals?

With the midway point in 2023 on the horizon, the Grawe Pod has dedicated an episode to examine several key questions related to longer range planning and maintaining a focus on reaching your company’s goals. Podcast hosts Doug Grawe and Gary Randall discuss the...

Discussing Key Questions On Business Operations

Through the latest Driving Your Dollars edition of the Trucker CFO Podcast, we explore a wide range of business decisions and the importance of carefully weighing how those choices will impact your business. Colton Lawrence, the Trucker CFO, discusses a few key...

Helpful Observations On Long-Distance Relationships

Long-distance relationships can be a challenge when you are the road. In this episode of the podcast, we will introduce you to Dr. Frieda Birnbaum, who is a research psychologist, radio and television personality and Author of the book, Life Begins at 60. Dr. Birnbaum...

Sharing Important Tips On Stroke Prevention

Stroke prevention and highlighting the work of nurses will be in the spotlight during this episode of the podcast. We will be joined by April Kapu, who is an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner and Professor at Vanderbilt University. She is also the President of the...

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