Perspectives On Utilizing Independent Contractors Within Today’s Trucking Operations
August 9, 2024

Over the years, the Grawe Group has had the opportunity to work with a number of trucking companies that utilize independent contractors. While there are no doubt more challenges on the horizon from groups including plaintiffs’ attorneys and the Department of Labor, the proud nature of independent contractors means they will continue to be an important part of trucking’s future. In this episode of the Grawe Pod, we are placing a spotlight on some dos and don’ts when utilizing independent contractors in trucking. As part of the discussion, we highlight the importance of viewing the contractors within an operation as independent business owners.

As you will hear, Grawe Group CEO and founder Doug Grawe and Executive Business Partner Gary Randall have great respect for the vital role that independent contractors play in the trucking industry. This insightful conversation, which includes tips for companies with lease-purchase programs, examines a number of important considerations for trucking companies utilizing independent contractors.

To learn more about the Grawe Group, visit the firm’s website,

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