What’s Your Personnel Strategy? Finding, Training & Continuing To Develop Your People In An Evolving Job Market
June 24, 2024

After looking inside the numbers from the latest jobs report, it’s no secret that companies across all industries are struggling in some way, shape or form to fill positions. There is also the issue of properly utilizing continuing training to maximize the talents of current employees. In this evolving job market, it has become critical that companies separate themselves with how they recruit, develop and retain talent. In this episode of the Grawe Pod, we’ll take some time to discuss many of the key questions and considerations that decision makers at trucking and logistics companies should be examining when it comes to hiring, onboarding and a commitment to continuing training that can position your employees and your company for sustained success.

Grawe Group CEO and podcast host Doug Grawe is joined once again for this episode by Grawe Group Executive Business Partner Gary Randall. Doug and Gary will be sharing valuable perspectives on how to approach matching the right person for the job and how to help the people you hire excel and grow within your organization. Among the questions Doug and Gary will address are the following: How are you developing your people? Are you purposeful? Do you have a plan with them? Are you helping them prioritize the four or five skills that are critical as well as the tasks that are critical for this person to be successful in your organization?

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