News & Blog

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Exploring Treatments For Sleep Apnea

In this episode of the podcast, we will be joined by Dr. Clayton Cowl, who is on staff at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Dr. Cowl, who has earned his CDL and has worked with professional drivers throughout his career, will be discussing sleep disorders with...

Dan Van Alstine Looks Back On His Term As ATA Chairman

Dan Van Alstine Looks Back On His Term As ATA Chairman

As the second day of the driving competition began rolling, ATA Chairman Dan Van Alstine sat down with Jimmy Mac. Dan, who is the President and Chief Operating Officer at Ruan Transportation Management Systems, will be concluding his one-year term as ATA Chairman in...

Rick Cates Looks Back at His 51 Years Of NTDC Work

Rick Cates Looks Back at His 51 Years Of NTDC Work

For more than 50 years now, Rick Cates has been involved in working on the National Truck Driving & National Step Van Driving Championships. Known as the "Senator," because of this long tenure with the NTDCs, Rick takes some time with Jimmy Mac to look back at his...

Bob and Byron Bramwell Continue Family Tradition at NTDCs

Bob and Byron Bramwell Continue Family Tradition at NTDCs

Byron and Bob Bramwell are one of the greatest father-and-son acts in the trucking industry. Not only did Bob follow in his father's footsteps as a multiple state champion to join Byron as a competitor at the NTDCs over the years, but Bob also joined his dad as an...

Summer Heat & The Importance of Hydration

Dr. Jared Meacham joins us to talk about the importance of staying hydrated while we are going through our daily routine. This is especially important during the summer months. Dr. Meacham, who is a registered dietitian, fitness professional and educator, will also...

Yellow, its Impact, and More Industry News Making Impacts

Grawe Pod hosts Doug Grawe and Gary Randall dedicate this episode to examine some of the biggest headlines and trends happening this summer, including the impact of Yellow’s closing on its people and the industry. Doug and Gary also discuss what’s taking place these...

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