Trucker CFO

All Episodes

As 2024 Approaches, New Laws & Regulations Are On The Way

Our Driving Your Dollars episodes of the podcast for 2023 wrap up with a look at some new laws and regulations that will be on the books beginning January 1, 2024. We will take the time to examine why these changes are important for trucking business owners to...

Do You Have Your Year-End Financial Checklist In Place?

As we approach the end of the year, Trucker CFO Colton Lawrence will cover several key topics of interest in this Driving Your Dollars edition of the podcast. Colton addresses the benefits related to purchasing equipment for your trucking business before December 31....

Importance of Good Record Keeping & Year-End Tax Documentation

For this Driving Your Dollars edition of the podcast, Trucker CFO Colton Lawrence will be addressing some year-end planning considerations as well as value of financial planning within your trucking operation. In the first part of the podcast, Colton will note the...

Discussing Reporting Requirements For Beneficial Ownership Information

For this Driving Your Dollars edition of the podcast, Trucker CFO Colton Lawrence will be examining the Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reporting requirements that have been mandated by the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network....

Examining The Economy & The Freight Market

With this Driving Your Dollars edition of the podcast, Trucker CFO Colton Lawrence will place his focus on what’s happening with the economy as we are now running through the final two months of the year. Colton also discusses what he is seeing within the freight...

Discussing IRS Fresh Start Program & Tax Resolution

Colton Lawrence, the Trucker CFO, takes an in-depth look at the Fresh Start Program that is offered by the IRS. As you'll hear, the Fresh Start Program was designed as a platform for people who owe tax debts to the IRS. In this Driving Your Dollars episode of the...

Exploring Cyberattacks & Discussing Topic Of Tax Audits

In this Driving Your Dollars edition of the podcast, Trucker CFO Colton Lawrence will highlight the timely topic of cyberattacks and how discuss the importance of protecting your electronic information. In the second part of the episode, you’ll hear Colton talk about...

Important Notes On Addressing Existing Tax Liabilities

In this Driving Your Dollars episode of the podcast, Trucker CFO Colton Lawrence addresses the importance of having a plan in place and executing that plan when it comes to paying off any existing tax liabilities. Colton discusses what he and the Trucker CFO Team are...

Trucker CFO Displaying Driver Appreciation Through New E-Book

A few weeks prior to the official National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, Colton Lawrence, the Trucker CFO, worked with his team on the release of the company's second e-book in 2023. As Colton shares in this edition of the Trucker CFO Podcast, the development and...

Examining Latest Trends In The Freight Market

This time out on a Driving Your Dollars edition of the podcast, Colton Lawrence, the Trucker CFO, will discuss the recent trends within the freight market and exploring freight rates as part of business planning for trucking operations.

Discussing Debt Ceiling Negotiations & IRS Funding Cutbacks

In a Driving Your Dollars edition of the podcast, Colton Lawrence, the Trucker CFO, looks back at the debt ceiling negotiations and what the deal that was put in place with funding cutbacks for the IRS could mean as we look to the future.

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